Automated linking of bookings
The already existing function “chain bookings” has been extended. A chain means that two or more bookings, with timeslot reservations within 24 hours, belong together. In practice, this can be a vehicle for which two bookings are required because the vehicle is involved in two different processes at the location. Example: It is unloaded at incoming goods and immediately loaded at outgoing goods. The two postings can then be evaluated individually or as a chain. The bookings belonging to a chain are marked with the same color that was randomly generated. The new thing about this function is that these bookings can be linked automatically. Previously, it was only possible to chain each posting manually. Now the system behind the concatenation can be defined and configured. This means that manual intervention is no longer necessary. The automated chaining is based on the same values in a booking data field. Example: All bookings that have the same value in the field truck number plate or transport number and take place within 24 hours automatically form a chain.
The special process of manual chaining does not have to be explained explicitly to the booking companies either, because chaining takes place without manual intervention.
Automated linking of bookings
The function per ramp is configured by the CargoMarket-Admin under My Cargoclix > Timeslot > Ramps >[Select ramp] > Booking data > Settings of field “Belongs to booking” via the link “Add” > Auto chain. With a tick the same values are selected, which should form a chain.
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