Hagold Hefe Introduces SLOT at Two Locations
The yeast manufacturer Hagold Hefe will in the future rely on SLOT at two locations at once: in Nuremberg and Schwarzenbach the cloud-based time slot management system from Cargoclix has recently been in use. 15 trucks a day can be processed in incoming and outgoing goods without traffic jams. The earliest booking possibility for a time window begins 14 days in advance and is still possible up to three hours before the desired time. The booking costs per time window are 50 cents. Hagold Hefe takes care of this.
Hagold Hefe GmbH distributes various baker’s yeast brands – Giegold and Harmer – in Germany and Austria as well as in several European countries. Hefefefabrik Giegold is one of the leading yeast producers in Germany.
*Cargoclix SLOT. Timeslot and Yard management
Cargoclix SLOT optimizes processes and personnel deployment at the ramp. It prevents waiting times and workload peaks at loading and unloading points. Our Timeslot management system provides also transparency for all pictured logistics processes. Therefore it is the best solution for industry, trade, logistics service providers and transport companies.
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